
LIVE: National E-Governance Webinar Series 2023-2024 । 4th Webinar

The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances has initiated a unique initiative of organizing National e-Governance Webinar Series on a monthly basis from September 2023. This unique initiative aims to highlight exemplary practices in the field of e-Governance and foster a spirit of innovation and collaboration among administrators and stakeholders involved in the implementation of various government programs.

The NeGW is a monthly event, held on the third Friday of each month, spanning from September 2023 to August 2024. This carefully planned series comprises twelve webinars, each dedicated to showcasing award-winning initiatives that have received the prestigious Award for Excellence in e-Governance. These initiatives have demonstrated exceptional achievements in various domains, and through these webinars, we seek to promote their replication by other States/Districts, leading to the enhancement of overall governance practices across the nation.

The theme of today’s session is Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering for Digital Transformation at Central Level. The awarded initiatives being showcased in today’s webinar i.e. e.Panchayat Mission Mode Project (e.Gram Swaraj and Audit online), Ministry of Panchayati Raj and PMSVANidhi, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs have facilitated greater inclusivity, improved governance, enabled marginalized sections to access and benefit from services, thus contributing to the overarching goal of socio-economic empowerment and equitable development across the nation.

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