
Line - Staff Organizational Structure| Differences- Line & Line-Staff | Functions of Management

In this video we will be covering the following topics:

1. Line-Staff Organizational Structure
2. Merits of Line-Staff Organizational Structure
3. Demerits of Line-Staff Organizational Structure
4. Differences between Line Organization and Line - Staff Organization

We will be answering the following questions:

1. What is Line-Staff Organizational Structure?
2. What are the Advantages or Merits of Line-Staff Organizational Structure?
3. What are the Disadvantages or Demerits of Line-Staff Organizational Structure?
4. Explain the Differences between Line Organization and Line - Staff Organization?
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Comprehensive Notes PDF- https://managementkaksha.stores.instamojo.com/product/465018/principles-of-management-comprehensive-notes/

Important Questions PDF : https://managementkaksha.stores.instamojo.com/product/435968/important-questions-principles-of-management
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