
Learn everything about the new Azure Stack HCI feature update | OD141

Gain a deep understanding of the new features now included in Azure Stack HCI such as GPU integration, Arc enablement for every Azure Stack HCI node, and thin provisioning to name a few of the latest features. Experience the value of these features with demos and learn about the benefits from these new features. After seeing this session, you will be able to assess the increased value to your organization with Azure Stack HCI.

Additional Resource:
Contact sales -- https://info.microsoft.com/contact-us-multi-product-in-person-devices-en.html?LCID=EN-US&ls=290778-contactme-formfill
Learn at Ignite -- https://aka.ms/learnatignite?wt.mc_id=ignite21fall_resources_webpage_esc

Recommended Next Step:
Get more detailed content on this topic with a curated Learn collection -- https://aka.ms/AzureStackHCICTA?wt.mc_id=ignite21fall_collections_webpage_esc

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