
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Double TEDx speaker and bestselling author Hamza Khan, proudly celebrates hip-hop culture and a passion for servant leadership. It’s people before profits.

Are you driven by a passion for change? My guest Hamza’s upbeat energy and wisdom builds leaders! With a philosophy that plays to strengths, and puts people first. This attitude equips managers with the emotional intelligence skills (E.I.) to build great teams.

You could call Hamza Khan a millennial hero and rebel? Because a ‘terrible’ boss became the catalyst behind his company SkillsCamp that teaches interpersonal strengths. These include compassion, empathy and E.I. Collectively they help individuals and the organizations to flourish.

Leaders must be ready to connect, communicate and lead with confidence during critical moments. SkillsCamp’s strengths-based philosophy turns managers into empowering coaches and leaders.
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