A new ground-breaking leadership course that shares cutting edge research and covers important topics like leadership skills, leadership principles, leadership styles and theories, team leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership, leadership motivation, leadership and management, servant leadership vs. traditional leadership. This leadership class will help you achieve your goals and become a better leader immediately!
For more information or to register for course with a BIG 80% YouTube Discount until 2/28/24, go to:
Course Overview
This course introduces you to leadership theories, research and practices that will assist both leader and manager in successfully influencing, inspiring, impacting and motivating their teams, peers and bosses (managing up). My 35 years of real-world leadership experience shared will help make your job or ministry more enjoyable, lead to greater results and make you a better leader. I recently concluded a PhD Doctorate degree specializing solely in Leadership Studies, and I gladly share my knowledge acquired through 7 years of research, reading 100+ books on Leadership and 200+ peer reviewed Journal Articles on Leadership. I have managed and led teams up to 800 employees across multiple countries and sites. The knowledge and understanding gained will position you for career advancement and promotions. The leadership training is based on research and proven results and is one of the most thorough, comprehensive, researched leadership programs available online today. The training shares proven leadership traits, behaviors and characteristics that will lead to immediate and long-term results for the student.
The course will help you study, reflect, develop and apply successful leadership approaches in all spheres of your life to assist you on your leadership journey, discover your call, and find meaning and purpose in your job or career. We will examine, evaluate, and apply more than 20 leadership styles and principles spanning 200 years. I not only use wisdom from researchers, authors, teachers, lecturers, but I also share nuggets from the ancient Greeks and Biblical characters. I also share engaging personal stories of success and failure to pass on lessons learned. The most recent cutting edge leadership research, the best leadership textbooks and the thousands of leadership self-help books are all boiled down into one exclusive all-encompassing, thorough, crisp, engaging course. You don't need to take several different topical classes.
I truly believe that you can learn how to be the best, most admired, exemplary leader in your organization!
Your work matters and the course will help you move from just working at a job for just a paycheck to a successful career and eventually finding and fulfilling your purpose and calling in life and as a leader. Implementation of these proven and researched topics yields more meaning in life, job satisfaction, greater happiness, health and well-being and improved productivity according to the research. Practical and productive resources, exercises, assessments, and articles are also provided including the Leadership Practices Inventory self-assessment, the Leadership Challenge Project, the Leadership Legacy Thermometer self-test, 10+ book reviews from the best leadership books written, and a leadership styles test to help you determine your leadership styles. The course closes in helping you deal with the loneliness of leadership and not only survive but thrive during times of failure, fear, worry, doubt, challenges and trials. It also encourages you to dream big and act now!
Course Learning Objectives
• Influence, impact and inspire your team, people and organizations to greater successes.
• Examine, evaluate and apply a broad spectrum of leadership styles and principles.
• Participate in experiential learning activities to apply practical learned concepts.
• Learn how to lead an effective team; delegate and empower your team to achieve results and
attain goals.
• Discover and implement a personal motivational leadership vision for the future.
• Become a better leader and manager, and enable greater success wearing both hats.
• Learn and apply servant leadership techniques to increase job satisfaction and happiness.
• Build a powerful, practical toolkit of leadership behaviors, skills and styles.
• Experience peace, hope and joy during times of challenge and trial and worry.
• Discover your leadership calling, meaning in your work, and leave a great leadership legacy.
My new website and course are available at www.doughagedorn.com
I hope to see you in the classroom!
Dr. Doug
#leadership #davidlivermore #servantleadership #biblicalservantleadership #christianleadership #leadershipskills #leadershipstyles #leadershiptheories #management #managementstyles #managementtheories #leaders
For more information or to register for course with a BIG 80% YouTube Discount until 2/28/24, go to:
Course Overview
This course introduces you to leadership theories, research and practices that will assist both leader and manager in successfully influencing, inspiring, impacting and motivating their teams, peers and bosses (managing up). My 35 years of real-world leadership experience shared will help make your job or ministry more enjoyable, lead to greater results and make you a better leader. I recently concluded a PhD Doctorate degree specializing solely in Leadership Studies, and I gladly share my knowledge acquired through 7 years of research, reading 100+ books on Leadership and 200+ peer reviewed Journal Articles on Leadership. I have managed and led teams up to 800 employees across multiple countries and sites. The knowledge and understanding gained will position you for career advancement and promotions. The leadership training is based on research and proven results and is one of the most thorough, comprehensive, researched leadership programs available online today. The training shares proven leadership traits, behaviors and characteristics that will lead to immediate and long-term results for the student.
The course will help you study, reflect, develop and apply successful leadership approaches in all spheres of your life to assist you on your leadership journey, discover your call, and find meaning and purpose in your job or career. We will examine, evaluate, and apply more than 20 leadership styles and principles spanning 200 years. I not only use wisdom from researchers, authors, teachers, lecturers, but I also share nuggets from the ancient Greeks and Biblical characters. I also share engaging personal stories of success and failure to pass on lessons learned. The most recent cutting edge leadership research, the best leadership textbooks and the thousands of leadership self-help books are all boiled down into one exclusive all-encompassing, thorough, crisp, engaging course. You don't need to take several different topical classes.
I truly believe that you can learn how to be the best, most admired, exemplary leader in your organization!
Your work matters and the course will help you move from just working at a job for just a paycheck to a successful career and eventually finding and fulfilling your purpose and calling in life and as a leader. Implementation of these proven and researched topics yields more meaning in life, job satisfaction, greater happiness, health and well-being and improved productivity according to the research. Practical and productive resources, exercises, assessments, and articles are also provided including the Leadership Practices Inventory self-assessment, the Leadership Challenge Project, the Leadership Legacy Thermometer self-test, 10+ book reviews from the best leadership books written, and a leadership styles test to help you determine your leadership styles. The course closes in helping you deal with the loneliness of leadership and not only survive but thrive during times of failure, fear, worry, doubt, challenges and trials. It also encourages you to dream big and act now!
Course Learning Objectives
• Influence, impact and inspire your team, people and organizations to greater successes.
• Examine, evaluate and apply a broad spectrum of leadership styles and principles.
• Participate in experiential learning activities to apply practical learned concepts.
• Learn how to lead an effective team; delegate and empower your team to achieve results and
attain goals.
• Discover and implement a personal motivational leadership vision for the future.
• Become a better leader and manager, and enable greater success wearing both hats.
• Learn and apply servant leadership techniques to increase job satisfaction and happiness.
• Build a powerful, practical toolkit of leadership behaviors, skills and styles.
• Experience peace, hope and joy during times of challenge and trial and worry.
• Discover your leadership calling, meaning in your work, and leave a great leadership legacy.
My new website and course are available at www.doughagedorn.com
I hope to see you in the classroom!
Dr. Doug
#leadership #davidlivermore #servantleadership #biblicalservantleadership #christianleadership #leadershipskills #leadershipstyles #leadershiptheories #management #managementstyles #managementtheories #leaders
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- Management

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