
It's OK to BE Prepared & Learn New Skills / Vlog

It's ok to be prepared & learn new skills.
Been Spending Our days Canning Pickles, Next are the beans & Corn!
Nothing is better than your own garden goods in the Winter. It’s this taste, feeling and satisfaction that you feel when you take the first bite after cracking that lid.
Lately all you hear about is “what’s to come” and a lot of fear thrown out there about food shortages. We don’t live in fear, but we are also not naive. We have all seen with our own eyes and experiences these past two years that anything is possible. So preparedness is not a bad thing. Back in the old days it was normal to prepare for Winter. It wasn’t out of fear, it was to support and feed your family for the cold months to come. We can’t grow an outdoor garden in the winter here in Wisconsin, and it’s hard to get vegetables to produce even in the greenhouse. The best to grow in the greenhouse were the root vegetables, but even those grew smaller and less abundant.
I don’t know about you, but i’ve been spoiled with the taste of our own homegrown food, and it’s hard to go back to grocery store produce during the winter months. But what if there wasn’t any? Like in the olden days. What if you could only eat what was in season in your area, and how would you get vegetables and fruits during those months? through canning and cold storage.
We have always canned and froze our garden goods, but it was always a little of this and a little of that. And last year, I’m ashamed to admit this, but I didn’t can anything! First year in a long time! And I missed those goodies through the Winter months! So I am not making that same mistake this year. I am overcompensating for a lost year, and for whatever may come through the winter months. What’s the worst that could happen if I can a ton of food and nothing happens? I guess i’ll be eating good until my garden produces again next year.
What’s the worst that could happen if I don’t have anything canned or prepared and something does happen?…….Just a thought.
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