
Is Exercise Good for Diabetes? + Fun Insights to Get You Started w/ Your Exercise Plan

In the Mastering Diabetes method, exercise is a crucial part. With your healthy diet (hopefully a low fat, whole food, plant-based diet) and medication, exercise is generally good. Physical activity makes your cells become more sensitive to insulin making it work effectively in controlling your blood sugar. Not to mention it contributes to weight loss.

The thing is, exercising can be daunting for people with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and even type 1 diabetes. Diabetics, especially those with complications, are concerned about blood glucose fluctuations, joint complications symptoms and flare-ups. So then it makes them wonder what moderate- or low-intensity exercise looks like - and which one they need.

What's more, the American Diabetes Association reports that, "The challenges related to blood glucose management vary with diabetes type, activity type, and presence of diabetes-related complications. Physical activity and exercise recommendations, therefore, should be tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual."

So what to do?

Well, keep playing this video as the team. . .

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