
Industry Insights Webinar Series|Episode 1: Brendon Granger

Brendon has worked with hundreds of hotels to help them with their in-room technology. He has helped them to reduce costs, increase guest satisfaction and win awards such as the best business hotel, best city hotel, best upscale hotel and best luxury hotel in Australasia.

In this episode, we'll be discussing:

- How far are we? State of IoT adoption across global hospitality markets
- Being tech-receptive – Importance of putting systems in place for gradual implementation
- From perk to necessity – What IoT tech should I consider in the short and long term
- Global Considerations– How regional differences in ‘pain points’ give rise to varied IoT use

If you're looking to get more info from Brendon or Tuya, feel free to reach out at:

Tuya Hospitality: https://hotel.tuya.com/
Tuya Residential: https://residential.tuya.com/

Brendon: https://www.technology4hotels.com.au/
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