
How to Design a Lattice Structure Effortlessly in ABAQUS

This video shows an effortless way to create the a Face-centred cubic lattice structure in ABAQUS. It is designed such that the resulting structure can be used as part of a 3D printing production workflow. #cmvideos #abaqustutorial #latticestructures #fcc #facecentredcubic

Time stamps
You can quickly navigate through the videos using these chapters.

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Problem definition: An animated case study
02:01 - Reference literature for the study
02:26 - Design and dimensions of proposed FCC unit cell
03:02 - Create cylindrical truss of FCC lattice structure
04:31 - Create Unit cell of FCC lattice structure
09:17 - Create 2x2 RVE of FCC lattice structure
10:58 - Create 3x3 RVE of FCC lattice structure
12:34 - Outro

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