
High Risk Pregnancy Follow Up | Causes| Management

A high-risk pregnancy can be defined simply as a pregnancy with a high potential for complications that can affect the mum or baby.

#1. Age. Being too young is a risk as physical, mental or emotional maturity can affect the successful pregnancy outcome for both baby and the young mother.

#2. If you have certain pre-existing conditions, there is a chance you may become very ill when pregnant.

#3. Complications in a previous pregnancy. In that case, they could have affected your ability to have a normal pregnancy next time.

#4. Assisted pregnancy - any pregnancy conceived via IVF, IUI or other measures outside of natural conception will require increased monitoring. (precious baby)

#5. Infections can affect the successful progress of a pregnancy.

#6. First-time pregnancy!

#7. Multiple pregnancies are a fantastic event but also bring several problems.

#8. We've been speaking a lot about physical health problems.
But let's remember, mental disorders can also have a severe effects.

#9. The presence of some gynaecological conditions could affect the pregnancy.
Examples in this group are fibroids (pain, bleeding or preterm labour) or endometriosis and others.

#10. Where there are foetal abnormalities: heart defects, and hydrocephalus can affect the development of the baby, preterm labour and surgical delivery may be required.

#11. Blood group disorders - The most common of these is Rhesus incompatibility.
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