
H-Burns - Morning Flight (Official Video)

#hburns #morningflight #folk

Stream "Morning Flight" : https://H-Burns.bfan.link/morning-flight
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Website: http://www.h-burns.com/fr/


Director: Adam Neustadter
Cinematographer: Jay Swuen
Assistant Camera: Fernando Lopez
Filmed in Los Angeles, December 2021
Song by H-Burns
Written by Renaud Brustlein
Produced by H-Burns
Mixed by Rob Schnapf
Assistant Matt Schuessler
Recorded at LFO studio by David Chalmin
Recorded at Mant Sounds Studio, Los Angeles by Rob Schnapf
Horns by Benjamin Lanz recorded at CBE studio by David Mestre
Drums by Raphael Seguignier
Bass and guitars by Antoine Pinet

Management Bob Vincent - [email protected]

℗ and © 2022 Yotanka Records, Night Moves, Because Publishing


I woke up on a morning flight
Set my eyes on the skyline
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And i fuck it up every time

I got my memories in the back of my mind
set my eyes on the coastline
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And it gets me everytime

I woke up on a morning flight
We ended up in a knife fight
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And it gets me everytime

I woke up on a morning flight
Set my eyes on the skyline
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And i fuck it up every time

I got my memories in the back of my mind
set my eyes on the coastline
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And it gets me everytime

I woke up on a morning flight
Ended up in a knife fight
I got nothing but peace and quiet
And it gets me everytime

All the letters we write
End up buried in the ground
Glad i found you on a lifetime
Maybe i’ll see you around
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