
Guild Wars Profession Guide #10 DERVISH [for New & Returning players]

Thanks for the thumbnail Viktor Tan Design! Check out his awesome work here: https://victortandesign.artstation.com/
or here: https://www.reddit.com/user/VictorTanDesign

Thank you Cute for your help!

Hello and thanks for waching my dervish guide. 10th and last episode of the series. The builds and other infos you are looking for are here, take a look below.

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"Bolstered by the blessings of the gods, these holy warriors reap the benefits of multiple Enchantments. With a sharpened scythe, the Dervish can unleash a whirlwind of destruction."

More info about dervish: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dervish

Playlist, with theother profession guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF3_B3iPwjWOuoT114-tlW0hz_SQppUHc

Dervish solo farm collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHeVoLatiA4&t=110s

Speed clear builds are available here: http://wiki.fbgmguild.com/wiki/Main_Page

---As promised the farm guides are below---
1. woc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J5tyJpQqCk
2. uw chaos planes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEM4hRjKNMQ&t=740s
3. uw smites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64oSeMRxk8E&t=464s
4. fow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzhyTDFpz3I&t=399s
5. raptors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13ZEVngM3Zs&t=194s
6. vaettirs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7vGc2ueLLY

And the playlist where I'm uploading the solo farms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJADmwTNkv8&list=PLF3_B3iPwjWP80cB6EI2D0p_KcyKPE3h6

0:34 - General informations
2:54 - Weapons
3:27 - Pros & Cons
4:24 - Useful secondary professions
5:02 - Tips & Tricks
8:55 - Meta Builds (including anniversary builds)
12:33 - Fun Builds
15:45 - Runner Builds
16:41 - Solo Farms
19:58 - Role in Speedclears
21:05 - Conclusion & Dance


///Meta & Anniversary builds///

1.Pious Renewal - OgGikysMtdJGKgJdFdRTGDKDCA, OgGikysMtdFd9cJdFgJGeVIDCA, OgGikysMtdJgJdFddVQTGDKDCA
Attributes: 16 scythe, 13 mysticism
Weapons: zealous/vampiric scythe of enchanting/defense

2. Vow of Strength - OgejkirL7ScXfbmXaXNX5i0k4OA, OgejkirL7ScXfbmXaXNXqi0k4OA, OgGjkirL7ScXfbmX0X7Xqi0kxgA, OgCjkirL7ScXfbmXaXNX5i0kqiA
Attributes: 15 earth, 12 mysticism, 9 scythe mastery
Weapons: zealous scythe of enchanting

3. Zealous Vow Dagger Spam - Ogej0xqKLSOMMMHMzk0kfXhbibA, Ogej0xqKLSOMMMHMzk0kfXhbqiA
Attributes: 12 dagger mastery, 14 wind prayers, 9 mysticism
Weapons: vampiric daggers of defense/enchanting

4. Vow of Revolution(prot) - OgOi8wsMpFtScXVPYfRfFQYWDA, OgOi8wsMpFtScXZf1SQfFQYWDA
Attributes: 12 protection prayers, 16 mysticism
Weapons: 40/20/20 protection staff or a simple 20% ench staff

5. Vow of Revolution(heal) - OgiiEysMJ8INN5MOZfRfNMZWDA
Attributes: 16 mysticism, 12 restoration magic
Weapons: 40/40 restoration set (bundle item though)

/// Fun builds ///

1. Avatar of Grenth(dps+lifesteal) - OgCjkuqI7SSXRXDYVXjXdfygwXA
Attributes: 15 scythe mastery, 12 mysticism, 9 wind prayers
Weapons: zealous/vampiric scythe of enchanting/defense

2. Avatar of Grenth(full lifesteal) - OgCioysM1WqK+dFe19RutfBfBA
Attributes: 16 wind, 13 mysticism
Weapons: vampiric scythe of defense/enchanting

3. Avatar of Balthazar - OgCjkurI7SPXOXBYihXXZXaXuXA
Attributes: 15 scythe, 12 mysticism, 8 earth prayers
Weapons: zealous/vampiric scythe of enchanting/defense

4. Onslaught - OgGjkyqKLSSXBY7gDYlbjbabxgA
Attributes: 16 scythe, 10 wind , 9 mysticism
Weapons: zealous/vampiric scythe of enchanting/defense

5. Avatar of Dwayna - OgKigxsM9eNfhgpexdRuhccXCA
Attributes: 16 mysticism, 12 wilderness
Weapons: any high energy staff( don't use 20% ench mod, that will slow down the heal a bit)

6. Avatar of Melandru - OgCikysMJdFgNgNuNeJDufJfBA
Attributes: 16 scythe, 13 mysticism
Weapons: zealous/vampiric scythe of enchanting/defense

/// Runner builds ///

1. Shadow Form - Ogei8xsMxjgApzcARTOudgdXCA, Ogei8xsMh7gApzcARTOudgdXCA
Attributes: 12 shadow, 16 mysticism
Weapons: 20% enchant offhand + shield

2. Vow of Silence - Ogej8xqIrShXHQtXIQ0kjbHY3lA
Attributes: 12 shadow, 14 mysticism, 9 wind
Weapons: 20% enchant offhand + shield

///Solo farms///

1. Winds of Change ministry farm - OgGlQpVq6smsGFA0XwTsDmL29RTSgB
2. UW chaos planes - OgCjkqqLrShXYidftXWgOX3k0kA
3. UW smites - OgCisysMRexdpe1cZexe9tRTCA
4. Raptors - OgSlcopiKtusJhJyd9tteldJGaJ0cB
5. Vaetirs - OgSjUorILTfXsXf1NX0Bsi7X9gA
6. Fow - OgCjkqqLrS0khXdftXWgOX2kxkA

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