
GIZ gets results – worldwide. Governance. 2020.

GIZ's work is systematically geared towards results, the yardstick by which we measure the success of our work. Our aim is to contribute towards long-term positive change in cooperation with our partners.

From planning to evaluation, GIZ regularly analyses its work and the results achieved. Results in specific countries or projects are well documented, but what impact does GIZ’s work have at an international level? For example, how many people have access to high-quality, future-oriented vocational training thanks to support from GIZ? Company-wide data collection across projects and national boundaries provides answers to questions like these. The process involves collecting and summarising results on selected topics. These aggregated results enhance GIZ’s comprehensive quality management system.

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Als erfahrener Dienstleister der internationalen Zusammenarbeit für nachhaltige Entwicklung und internationalen Bildungsarbeit engagiert sich die GIZ weltweit für eine lebenswerte Zukunft. Further information here: https://www.giz.de/de/html/index.html

As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world.
Further information here: https://www.giz.de/en/html/index.html

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