
Getting Started with IBM App Connect Enterprise 12

In this video we demonstrate how to get started with using IBM App Connect Enterprise 12.
We give an overview of the Toolkit Development environment and the Command Console along with the Tutorials Gallery which has over a hundred tutorials that you can follow in order to understand the different capabilities that are provided.
We describe an integration server and it's functionality and also demonstrate how to create a message flow, deploy the message flow and test the message flow by sending a message to it and checking the output message that is returned.
We give a brief tour of the Web User Interface which is available to administer the integration server and give some examples of new functionality and use cases which can be explored in more detail in the IBM Documentation pages and IBM App Connect Enterprise YouTube playlist.
Links to IBM Docs and Videos are here; https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/app-connect/12.0?topic=app-connect-enterprise-software, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_4RxtD-BL5tKxx9GiR2BH146ZUC21cOp
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