
Getting data right for AI

Be amongst the first to hear about new events, current funding opportunities and information on local business support services by following us on Twitter @TVAIHub, LinkedIn and checking out our website, where we post regular updates.Data Governance is a key challenge for using AI in healthcare projects and this talk will cover data requirements and regulations.

About this event
Bayer LifeHub UK and Thames Valley AI Hub are delighted to welcome you to the next in our series of co-branded events in support of the local life sciences sector.

The healthcare field is one of the fastest-growing areas for data management and data governance. The issues round data governance are complex and crucial to get right from the outset.

We are privileged to welcome Eleonora Harwich Head of Collaborations, NHS AI Lab at NHSX, as our speaker at this event who will share her expertise about data requirements and data protection for AI. Twitter: @EleHrwch

Eleonora’s work focuses on communicating and engaging with health and care professionals, the public and industry to support and share the work of the NHS AI Lab and the potential of AI. Prior to joining NHSX, she was Director of Research at Reform think tank where she co-authored papers on AI in the NHS, the value of healthcare data, commercial models in healthcare and the regulation of data-driven technologies. She is a member of the British Standards Institution’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence.

Getting data right for AI
Lawfully accessing good quality data is key to the development and deployment of AI in healthcare. However, doing so is not always straightforward due to misconceptions about data protection among some NHS organisations and innovators. Data quality can also be variable and not collected for the purposes of research or product development. Without the proper regulatory oversight this could run the risk of propagating bias. This talk will cover the data requirements for AI as well as data protection and medical device regulation.

00:00 Introduction
04:06 Eleonora Harwich
36:20 Q&A
50:34 Conclusion
52:40 Event closes

Be among the first to hear about new events, current funding opportunities and information on local business support services by following us on Twitter @TVAIHub, LinkedIn and checking out our website, where we post regular updates.
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