
FM22’s Biggest Issues

Check out Top Eleven right here, it do be free to play: https://topeleven.onelink.me/topeleven/Zealand

This may have been the cleanest launch of Football Manager in years, but that doesn’t mean it has come out close to perfect. The lack of major issues with FM22 covers up a wide collection of smaller bugs and issues that have popped up and will hopefully be fixed when the full game is released on the 9th. That’s right, the beta version will get a giant update on November 9th which will be the FULL GAME RELEASE, technically. It’s a confusing system if you’re paying attention, which y’all obviously are.

The idea behind the beta release is to find these issues too. It’s the final version of Football Manager before FM22 technically sees the light of day. This is why I recommend not starting your major FM22 save until after the game has been fully released. Those small bugs can sometimes ruin a long-term save. You do you of course, but if your long term save gets destroyed by a youth intake glitch or something, you cannot say I didn’t warn you. It’s not SI’s fault if the beta has bugs, they’re just trying to find them. It is their fault if they aren’t fixed after November 9th, so keep this list and check them off as they seem to have disappeared. If they haven’t, we RIOT (ask nicely for them to fix them later).

Much Love,
FM Senpai

If you want to buy FM22, you can buy it here to support the channel, if you’re not digging the new game, that’s fine too ►



20 good minutes ► https://open.spotify.com/show/5Qf5sSNMShhRzP7FHOtIjM?si=KXBmn_MqSZaoA5CLqmSThA&nd=1

The Zealand Podcast ► https://open.spotify.com/show/65eNWIPnSz1TFfskPLDRh2

Armchair History ► https://open.spotify.com/show/2QCd3Ti6vzzUcDL7P4zaK3


Zealand Stuff:

DOWNLOAD MY FM SKIN ► https://fm-base.co.uk/resources/fme-zealand-skin.5740/

TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/zeaiand

INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/theoldzealand/

TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/theoldzealand

DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/UfRpJVc

REDDIT ► https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOldZealand/

LE MERCH ► https://highscoretees.com/collections/zealand

MY GAME STORE ► https://www.nexus.gg/zealand


Check out Reece the Editor on:

YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3-SxCeZh-ER8fX_qMJ5MQ?

TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/ReeceTheEditor


Check out the Animator Tomleggosaurus on:

YOUTUBE ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgGabYuMHbyWLVPOB8pXCg


Zealand Live Channel:



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