
Flutter 2.8: What's new

Flutter 2.8 brings "significant performance improvements in both the engine and in Flutter DevTools, a stable release of the Google Mobile Ads SDK for Flutter, a slew of new Firebase features and improvements, WebView 3.0, a new batch of Flutter Favorite packages, a raft of updates to desktop on our way to a stable release, and a new version of DartPad with support for more packages, including Firebase itself."

In this video, I'm giving a quick overview of what's new, based on the official blogpost:

Related video: What's new in Dart 2.15

0:00 Intro
0:36 Performance improvements
2:49 Ads
3:13 WebView 3.0
4:23 Firebase
5:30 flutterfire_ui
6:13 Firestore Object/Document Mapping (ODM)
7:27 Desktop
8:50 New packages in DartPad
9:36 Removal of dev channel
10:19 Breaking changes & Summary
10:39 Okay, but why the black eye?
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