
Fascia: Use It or Lose It (Ep. 249) | David Lesondak | The ABMP Podcast

David Lesondak’s personal need to understand why things work, and why sometimes they don’t, drives his continuing search for the latest scientific knowledge and innovative approaches. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Kristin and Darren speak with David about being a fascial fitness trainer, how to bring a fascial awareness to our movement, and how presenting his new book, Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications, to a medical audience was so important.

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David Lesondak, BCSI, ATSI, FST, VMT, FFT, IAHE, is a member of the Allied Health Professional Staff in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). He is a board-certified Structural Integrator, visceral manipulator, fascial fitness trainer, and more. The success of his first book, Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters, now available in 9 languages, led to contributing a chapter to an orthopedic textbook, which resulted in his being asked to architect and edit the first-ever fascia textbook designed for the medical and health-care field: Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications.
He is host of the podcast BodyTalk with David Lesondak, which has listeners in 36 countries.
Darren Buford is senior director of communications and editor-in-chief for ABMP. He is editor of Massage & Bodywork magazine and has worked for ABMP for 22 years, and been involved in journalism at the association, trade, and consumer levels for 24 years. He has served as board member and president of the Western Publishing Association, as well as board member for Association Media & Publishing. Contact him at [email protected].
Kristin Coverly, LMT is a massage therapist, educator, and the director of professional education at ABMP. She loves creating continuing education courses, events, and resources to support massage therapists and bodyworkers as they enhance their lives and practices. Contact her at [email protected].

This episode of The ABMP Podcast is sponsored by @Anatomy Trains and Fascia Research Society.

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