
EUSEW2022 | Data exchange and governance models for energy data hubs

A flexible energy system, able to integrate high share of distributed renewables and to manage demand-response mechanisms, requires information to be exchanged across the different actors of the demand and supply side, which will enable decisions to be taken in real time. 

The session contributes to the first pillar of the Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan, (Developing a European data-sharing infrastructure) by making the link between the proposed European actions and the latest developments in the Member States. The concept of an open data hub or data space for energy use cases to allow orchestration of data access across different market actors like TSOs, DSOs, aggregators and other energy service providers will be presented. 

➔ More about the session from the #EUSEW2022 event platform: https://european-sustainable-energy-week.b2match.io/agenda?session=c2Vzc2lvbjoxMjI0OTc%3D&track_id=21186&track_id=21450

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The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. It comprises a series of activities aimed at building a secure energy future for Europe.
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