
End-User Vault for Business & Enterprise

When you provide Keeper to your employees, they have the choice of using the Keeper Web Vault, the“KeeperFill” Browser Extension, Keeper Desktop App for Windows, Mac and Linux and our mobile app for iOS and Android. Vault data is synchronized across all platforms, so your users can access their data in any of these Keeper applications.

Users can login to Keeper using biometrics like Face ID, or by entering a Master Password - which is the only password they will have to remember.

Business customers can also login with SSO like Azure or Okta.

Keeper is built with an advanced device verification system to protect user vaults from intruders. Keeper also supports multi-factor authentication using TOTP apps such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator, as well as hardware keys, like Yubikey.

Here in the vault, we call these records, and they can be organized into folders, subfolders and shared folders using an easy drag-and-drop interface.

Our password generator can help you create a strong and unique password for every site.

You can also attach any type of file to vault records, such as a passport photo, media file or any other document or image.

Custom Fields allow you to store additional data within a record, such as the answer to a site's security question, an account number, or a pin.

Importing your existing passwords into Keeper is easy. Both Keeper’s Web Vault and Desktop App provide an automatic import tool that fetches logins and passwords you have stored in your browser, or in a text file or spreadsheet.

We also support automatic imports from many other password managers, including LastPass, 1Password, and even your iCloud keychain. Additionally, Keeper has an advanced import capability that supports Excel and CSV files.

With Keeper, you can share both records and folders with other users and teams directly, vault to vault, using strong encryption.

What if you want to share a record with someone who doesn’t have a Keeper account? Keeper "One-Time Share" provides time-limited, secure sharing of records with anyone, even if they don’t have a Keeper account. One-Time Share is the most secure way to send confidential information to vendors, business partners, freelancers and anyone else outside of your organization without exposing sensitive information over email or text messages.

BreachWatch is our dark web monitoring solution that detects if a password has appeared in a public data breach. If a record is flagged by BreachWatch, it means that the account is at risk of takeover or theft.

In addition to your Keeper Web Vault, be sure to take advantage of the various apps Keeper has to offer, including Keeper Desktop App for Windows, Mac and Linux, our iOS and Android Mobile apps and the KeeperFill Browser Extension which is available for all major web browsers and will autofill your usernames and passwords into all of the sites and apps you access through your web browser.

All of our applications work seamlessly across your users’ devices, sync instantly and are available for download at keepersecurity.com/download.

Learn more about Keeper at:

View our Keeper Enterprise Guide here:
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