
Elon Musk: "Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming!!"

Elon Musk: "Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming!!"
In this full length interview from December, 2022 Elon Musk reveals some terrifying details about what is coming.
He's described himself as being obsessed with truth. He believes in sunlight being the great disinfectant. Elon Musk, please do join me.
Such pleasure. Oh, so be here , everyone. , let me start. Tell us how you think about trust. ? I believe in trust and transparency and the pursuit of truth in general. But first, let me just take a moment to say thank you for inviting me, and it's an incredible honor to be here. I love Norway and and I just wanted to thank the leaders and the people of Norway for their longstanding support of electric.
And sustainable energy. And I just want, the people of Norway to know that, hey, you really made a difference and so I want Thank you.
Thank you for joining us, but I'm still gonna come back to the question. Tell me, how do you think about trust? . I think there's that, that's, that that's really quite a philosophical question. It is. And one could wax on at length about that. You're talking about Twitter , I was told that's the one topic I'm not to talk about, so I'm gonna avoid it.
They both started with a tea, I do think that with respect to information generally people want to know that the information that they're receiving is accurate that it is a representative of the full picture. And they want to be able to believe what they read and not feel that it's o overly biased or at least understand the nature of the bias.
So I think. , one of the key things to trust is transparency. And for people to really know if there's like a social media company or something to understand what the algorithm is. So to open source the algorithm so people can look at it and critique it and it's not a black box.
And then if there are any modifications done by people at that social media company, that they're clear and again, transparent. And so it's not hidden. And and I, I believe in the sort of free flow of ideas. And and just generally ing on the side of free speech with within the boundaries of the law, within the boundaries of the law.
It's a great place to start, isn't it? Yeah. . I think you, you can't go beyond that without being arrested. I think , let's move on, shall we? You've been a great disruptor of technology, technological models in energy and space. Where is the unexplored area for disruption?
I'd like the word disruption. I don't aim to disrupt for the sake of disrupting, , it's more there's thinking about what set of actions, what set of actions are most likely to lead to a better future. And , in, in order. One of the things obviously, in order to, for humanity to have a compelling future for civilization is that we must have a clear path to a sustainable energy future.
That's one of the things that I think everyone, I think would agree with. Now I actually I'm not someone who would. tend to demonize oil and gas, to be clear. This is necessary right now or civilization could not function. So I do think we actually need and actually at this time I think we actually need more oil and gas, not less but simultaneously moving as fast as we can to a sustainable energy economy. And I thought the words of the Prime Minister were Just spot on. It's and I'm glad to hear that there's a large effort for o so ocean wind. Cause that's that, that's a, I think a massive untapped potential.
I would say go even more than what the Prime Minister said. Frankly. It's like that's if you did a hundred by a hundred array of 10 megawatt systems, you'd have a hundred gigawatt capabil. . And then you do need to combine that with stationary storage, battery packs to buffer the energy, because sometimes the wind blows and sometimes it doesn't blow or doesn't blows hard.
And so you need to buffer it with battery packs, stationary, battery packs and Tesla and other companies are also making that. So the sort of the three. Pillars of a sustainable energy future are sustainable energy generation which is a hydro, geothermal, wind, solar. I'm also pro-nuclear.
I think it's we should really keep going with the nuclear plants. I know this maybe an unpopular view in some quarters, but I think if you have a well-designed nuclear power plant, you should not shut it down. Especially right now, . , but I try to say what I think is scientifically cogent, even if it is not popular.
And anyway, so the pillars are sustainable energy generation, but then must also store the energy because many of the two main sources of sustainable energy, wind, and solar are intermittent. , the wind doesn't always blow. , the sun doesn't always shine, so you must buffer the energy in stationary battery backs.

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