
Education for sustainable livelihoods - COMMEET Toolkits for Communities

This is the first webinar in the COMMEET Toolkits for Communities Webinar Series.

In this webinar the importance of a good regional system of technical education and training (TVET) will be underlined, to ensure citizens have the capacity to support their community development, making the right expertise available and educating young people for a meaningful follow-up. The discussion will be chaired by Ros Wade, former Chair of the RCE London and professor at the London South Bank University. The panel consists of Gita Subrahmanyam of the London School of Economics, Shyamal Majumdar, former director of UNESCO-UNEVOC, Glenn Strachan and John Baines, both lecturers and researchers at London South Bank University and Jos Hermans, founder and chair of the COMMEET Fellowship. After the panel discussion there will be time for Q & A.

This webinar is meant for entrepreneurs, educators, people advocating community empowerment, people developing sustainable solutions for education in communities, people working on the realisation of the UN SDGs, all COMMEET Fellows, etc.

This webinar was recorded on 3 May 2022. For further information on the toolkits and upcoming webinars, please visit the COMMEET website: https://commeet.org/
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