
Earn More with xREF: Deep Dive into REF Finance latest single-sided revenue-sharing vault (NEAR)

REF Finance, the blue chip AMM of the NEAR protocol, just launched xREF: a single-sided staking vault that enables REF holders to receive part of the revenue generated by REF.

00:00 Introduction
01:12 REF Finance: Features and Overview
01:42 Intro to xREF: Differences between traditional farming and single-sided staking vaults.
02:20 What is Impermanent Loss?
03:21 xREF Benefits, no Impermanent Loss
03:46 Tokenomics 1: Source of Rewards, Treasury Reserve v Revenue
04:23 Brief History of REF (Token Distribution)
05:52 x REF Revenue Sharing Core Concepts
06:34 Fun Facts: pools structure and fee collection
08:20 The Bullish Case for REF
09:24 REF Governance Forum
10:35 REF DAO x AstroDAO
11:37 xREF UI/UX Review
13:49 xREF Booster Rewards
14:30 xREF Governance
15:16 Bonus Alpha: xREF and OIN?!
16:22 Staking xREF

* xREF Vault (REF Finance): https://app.ref.finance/xref
* [Blog Post] Introducing xREF, staking feature on Ref https://ref-finance.medium.com/introducing-xref-staking-feature-on-ref-e8276528ccd8
* REF Governance Forum: https://gov.ref.finance/t/exchange-management-withdraw-protocol-fee/413
* REF AstroDAO: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/ref-finance.sputnik-dao.near/proposals?status=approved

Follow on Social
* REF Twitter: https://twitter.com/finance_ref
* REF Discord: https://discord.gg/fqqf6vm7Af

* AVB Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlejandroVBeta1
* Silicon Craftsmen Twitter: https://twitter.com/uxisnear
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