
Digging deeper – participation of children and youth

Kindernothilfe, terre des hommes and numerous other national and international NGOs have been working together in a child participation project since 2016. The project "Dialogue Works" offers children's committees from 15 countries so far a platform to exchange their views, plan activities and participate in social and political processes. The project was founded to help implement the participation rights of working children according to Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in political decisions at local, regional, national and international level. On 13 October 2021, Lea Kulakow und Laura Goldschmitt introduced the project „Dialogue Works“ and discussed the following questions: What makes this child participation project an Education for Sustainable Development project? How can Education for Sustainable Development projects promote relevant participation of children and young people? This online-seminar was part of the VENRO/WUS-online-conference “Move forward together – Civil Society for ‘ESD 2030‘“ from 11 to 13 October 2021. The online-seminar was facilitated by Elke Weisser, EPiZ Berlin.
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