
Different Types of Password Managers and Why You Should Use JumpCloud

When it comes to access, SSO is ideal. But it’s not always available. That’s why the best identity strategies also include password management. Watch the full webinar: https://youtu.be/AkpCqzKSA4A

Learn more about the JumpCloud Password Manager: https://jumpcloud.com/platform/password-manager

Learn more about JumpCloud SSO: https://jumpcloud.com/platform/single-sign-on

Join us to learn how you can protect your users and resources at every access point by including decentralized password management in your IAM stack. We’ll cover how decentralized password management works, how it compares to traditional cloud-based and offline solutions, and insights on how a decentralized approach complements your existing identity stack.

In this webinar you will learn:
-Why password management still belongs in your identity stack
-What decentralized password management means, and how it compares to traditional cloud-based and offline solutions
-How JumpCloud helps you build efficiency and get more control over your environment with an all-in-one directory + password manager

Try JumpCloud for free: https://jumpcloud.com/signup

Resources and social media:
-Community: https://community.jumpcloud.com/
-Blog: https://jumpcloud.com/blog
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JumpCloud.DaaS/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/JumpCloud
-LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jumpcloud
#jumpcloud #passwordmanagement #passwordmanager #identitymanagement
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