
Diablo 4 - v.1.1.3✔️ New Damage Calculation - How to get More Damage - Best Rogue Build - Eternal✔️

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Further explanations:
If your buckets are like this: 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
And you double one of them: (2x3) x 3 x 3 = 54 (the result is exactly double, too)
This happens when every remaining action is a multiplication.
Same as adding the double amount to it: (3+3) x 3 x 3 = 54 (same result)

Global multipliers, which multiply an entire bucket, such as crit, or vulnerable, are multiplying the entire damage, while the partial mutlipliers are only working on a part of the bucket and must be weighted, of course. This was shown in the video!

Your characters main stat (Dexterity for Rogue, etc...) is not a separate bucket!
Every 100 points of your main stat points are giving you 10% "all damage" and every "all damage" flows into your skills. So 10 main stat points are equal to 1% core skill damage and vice versa. If you remove 10 mainstat Its the same as removing 1% skill damage from your skill. This can be tested and reproduced with paragon points and checking the actual damage value for a skill.

Example for the increasing damage gap of fast vs. slow weapons:
Low level weapon with some multipliers (low crit and vul):
400 / 0.9 = 444 * 2 * 1.5 * 1.2 .... = 1598
400 / 1.1 = 364 * 2 * 1.5 * 1.2 .... = 1310
~288 difference

High level weapon with some multipliers (high crit and vul):
2600 / 0.9 = 2889 * 3 * 2.5 * 1.5 .... = 32500
2600 / 1.1 = 2364 * 3 * 2.5 * 1.5 .... = 26595
~5905 difference
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