
Deep Funding | Community Governance - October 19th, 2022

Deep Funding has always been about the community. Over the past four weeks, we have engaged with community members on topics around the rules and processes of Deep Funding. In this Community Governance call, we present the proposals for round 2 that have been selected for decision-making by a community vote.

As outlined before the start of this process, we have filtered all submissions and ideas down to 3 questions. These are, however, not the only things we will change.

We are at the early stages of Deep Funding, and it would be impractical and overwhelming to submit all possible options for change to the community. Moreover, the process of decentralized decision-making is still in its infancy, and more experience (and community engagement!) is needed to ensure that the outcomes are aligned with the majority of the community and best interests of the Deep Funding program.

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