
DEEP DIVE Infrastructure 2022 - Allplan Bridge & Allplan Road

Several new features were implemented to enable a further modeling approach for precast girder bridges that not only simplify this workflow but can be used more broadly. To optimize the modeling process even further, for any bridge type where bridge elements are being repeated, the new version of Allplan Bridge enables users to create and use parametric 3D templates. The implemented version of AASHTO LRFD 9 covers strength limit states, service limit states, and fatigue limit state of reinforced and prestressed sections with the check of some detailing rules for designed reinforcement.

With the new Allplan Road terrain and road modeler, we want to provide a high functional, high performant but easy-to-use solution. Our goal was to be able to model complex cross-section geometries and make project changes at any time throughout the design process. Despite the ability to model geometrically complex road structures, we have placed particular emphasis on a high level of user-friendliness in terms of a clear input interface and intuitive workflows.

Allplan Road – New era in road modeling

Terrain surface – import, point reduction and modification methods
Parametric axis definition and axis takeover
Template-based road modeling - definition, assignment and detailing
Multiple representation styles
Intuitive model validation
Performant model adjustments
Model outputs - plan drawings and data reports
Bimplus – axis transfer to Allplan Bridge

Allplan Bridge – The (r)evolution of modeling for precast girder bridges

Further specialized modeling approach for precast girder bridges
New modeling workflow
Parametric modular modeling
Custom Tree for optimized data management
Advanced pier definition – flexible, precise and at hand
New types of stations for more convenient data input
Extended modelling capabilities with Link girders
IFC 4.3 for enhanced project collaboration
Skewed bridges – Solving real world engineering scenarios easily
Modelling even more conveniently with Accompanying axis
Reinforcement design and code checking according to AASHTO LRFD9
Many further new features, like Pythonpart visualization, Undo & redo, Bloss curve, …
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