
Day 3 - OPC Day International 2022


00:00:00 Welcome, recap

00:04:13 Agenda Day 3

00:06:04 Overview on collaborations, rules to start new joint working groups by Stefan Hoppe, President OPC Foundation

00:26:30 Digital Transformation of the Lab through LADS and CAISI Companion Specs by Dr. Matthias Arnold, CEO AixEnginners and Heiko Fessenmayr, Agilent

00:56:40 Relative positioning of objects in a 3D space with OPC UA by Suprateek Banerjee, VDMA

01:11:03 Seamless positioning in production and logistics: Harmonized understand of XYZ coordinates across OPC UA companion specs by Dr. Matthias Jöst, Heidelberg-mobil (Lead omlox association)

01:37:18 UA for Machinery - Cross domain interoperability brought to reality by Heiko Herden, VDMA

01:58:19 Scheduling actions in your OPC UA Server by Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke, Unified Automation

02:15:12 Common model to manage assets with OPC UA by Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke, Unified Automation

02:32:48 Summary of day 3 and good bye
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