
Day 1 - OPC Day International 2022


00:00:00 Introduction by Stefan Hoppe, President OPC Foundation

00:08:45 Challenges of the energy tranformation by Espen Krogh, CEO Prediktor
The Energy Transition and Europe’s Energy Crisis urges us to agree upon industrial standards to use in the energy segment. OPC UA is an enabler for this to happen.

00:30:25 Northern Lights Digital CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Value Chain
by Erik Skjetne, equinor and Kadri Umay, Microsoft
Topics adressed during presentation:
1. Background on need for CCS and background on Northern Lights
2. Digital value chain of the emerging CCS value chain
3. OPC UA in the digital backbone
4. Call for action building a CCS companion spec

00:58:45 OPC UA @ IN-Campus by Rainer Strobel, PGMM and Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Möhl, LEA Lean Energy Services
Enabling innovative energy supply and operation concepts using OPC UA at the IN-Campus in Ingolstadt.
Harmonization and optimized use of current and future regenerative technologies in a secure and expandable information network applying OPC UA.

01:24:45 Keynote by Stefan Hoppe, President OPC Foundation
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