
Daniele Chiantese - Drum Room EN

Many people contact me through my channels, consulting me for suggestions of various kinds; sometimes the questions focus on strictly technical topics and concerning the execution, in other cases, the daily search for the pursuit of one's artistic goals, brings the focus of the questions on more attitudinal aspects related to the profession, to self management in psychological terms , emotional, motivational and, last but not least, practical.

In the light of my experience as a session-player, clinician, teacher and eternal student of the beauty and complexity of music, I believe that every coaching activity must have its roots on historically proven, structural and universally valid training principles, and then wedging towards the definition of the characteristics, potential and peculiarities of each individual subject.
This is the spirit of the Drum Room!

The Drum Room is a virtual room where you can meet me and spend quality time with me, motivating and constructive, dedicated to your technical and musical growth, to the maturation of your creative and management approach.
Each meeting is individual and lasts 60 minutes; the topics are personalized, agreed with me according to the starting level and the needs that I myself will be able to ascertain after an initial check-up.

Depending on your needs, you can access a single meeting or immediately choose to book multiple appointments, according to the methods indicated here.
Obviously, the initial access to one of the three proposed formulas does not preclude the possibility of subsequently implementing the number of hours available.

This concept is not only aimed at drummers looking for an upgrade of their training, but also to other instrumentalists and, more generally, to anyone who works in the field of music production and wants to increase their perception and rhythmic awareness, thus expanding their own creative horizons and skills.

Visit my site for more details
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