COWA-BUMMER, Dude! IDW's Comic Book Business is DYING...

IDW Publishing is a day closer to shutting down forever. The beleaguered comic book publisher of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Hedgehog and Star Trek just laid off its publisher and other key staff. This isn't sounding too good...

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IDW, a comic book publisher, is struggling to stay in business due to poor management, loss of major licenses, and financial struggles, with only a few remaining titles keeping them afloat.

00:00 IDW, a comic book publisher, is struggling to stay in business, laying off staff, including their publisher, despite recently renewing their Star Trek license, with only Ninja Turtles comics keeping them afloat.

01:16 IDW's comic book business is struggling after losing major licenses and laying off staff, including publisher Mark Doyle.

02:47 IDW's comic book business is struggling, with recent layoffs and key departures, and their licenses, such as Star Trek, may be at risk due to Paramount's own financial struggles.

03:46 IDW's top executives, including co-publishers Mark Doyle and Mark Tyler, are leaving the company amidst significant layoffs and restructuring.

05:14 IDW's comic book business is struggling, with even successful titles like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles having relatively low print runs compared to past standards.

06:30 IDW's comic book business is on the verge of collapse, with the company a shadow of its former self and likely struggling to find a buyer due to its baggage and easily acquirable licenses.

07:34 IDW's comic book business is struggling, with only a few remaining titles like Ninja Turtles, Sonic, and Star Trek, after shutting down profitable ventures and failing to produce new hits.

08:46 IDW's comic book business is struggling due to poor management of licensed properties, which may lead to owners like Hasbro moving their brands to more successful publishers like Skybound.

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