
Connecting Time Highlight Essential Skills yang harus dimiliki Seorang Manager

Connecting Time Highlight - Essential Skills yang harus dimiliki Seorang Manager

Untuk sukses menjadi seorang manager, professionals sebaiknya membekali diri dengan ketrampilan konseptual, ketrampilan interpersonal dan ketrampilan teknis. Apa saja lingkup dari masing-masing ketrampilan tersebut?

Simak penjelasan singkat bersama Bapak Mohamad Yunus Yusuf, SE., MM., MNLP., CPHR., CHt., CHA., CBHA.


To succeed as a manager, professionals should equip themselves with conceptual skills, interpersonal skills and technical skills. What is the scope of each of these skills?

Check out the following video with Mohamad Yunus Yusuf, SE., MM., MNLP., CPHR., CHt., CHA., CBHA.


Foster & Bridge Indonesia, Foster & Bridge Indonesia team are experienced and trained talent management professionals serving both professional and corporate partners.

Our program development philosophy is based on a culture of dialogue and respect for our participants. By practicing effective communication and open feedback loops with the business community we serve, we are able to stay relevant and ahead of the curve in a dynamic and ever-changing workplace environment.

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