
Classification of products in marketing with examples / types of products in marketing

This video is all about classification of products in marketing. Each and every types of products are explained with different examples.

Total types covered in classification are non-durable goods. Non-durable goods are tangible goods normally consumed in one or a few uses. Durable goods. Durable goods are tangible goods that normally survive many uses. Services. Service is intangible, inspirable, variable and perishable product. Convenience goods. Convenience goods are those which consumer purchase frequently. Staple goods. Staple goods are those which consumer purchase on the regular basis. Impulse goods. Impulse goods are purchase without any planning or search efforts. Emergency goods. Emergency goods are purchase when a need is argent. SPECIALITY GOODS. Speciality good have unique characteristic or brand identification for which a sufficient number of buyers are willing to make a special purchasing efforts. UNSOUGHT GOODS. Unsought goods are these goods which consumer does not know about. MATERIALS AND PARTS. They are goods that enter the manufactures product completely. CAPITAL ITEMS. They are long lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finish product. SUPPLEIS AND BUSINESS SERVICES. They are short term goods and services that facilitate developing or managing the finished product.

I hope my video helps you to understand product classification in detail.
Thanks for watching

Time Stamp
0:30 Category A. Durability and tangibility
0:44 Non-durable goods
1:14 Durable goods
1:37 Services
2:00 Category B. Consumer goods classification
2:16 Convenience goods
2:41 Staple goods
2:55 Impulse goods
3:07 Emergency goods
3:27 Shopping goods
3:44 Speciality goods
4:03 Unsought goods
4:26 Category C. Industrial goods classification
4:48 Material and parts
5:31 Capital items
6:24 Supplies and business services

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