
Building resilience is essential to survive uncertainty! #leadership #awareness #resiliency #hr

Resiliency is a critical skill to develop in an ever-changing world! Do you know how to develop your resiliency? Are you ready to adapt to any change? Everyone, all generations, is learning how to shift and adjust their leadership styles these days and become more resilient because it is necessary to survive.
Kristina Holle is a business leader on strategic and operational HR activities, focusing on employee engagement, talent branding, and driving a culture of well-being. She has played a key strategic role in change management initiatives and created a multi-level approach to attaining employee feedback. She brings extensive experience in succession planning, leadership development, performance management, labor/employee relations, & transformational change.

Kristina is the author of the book, The Authentic You - Unleash your Leadership Potential. She will show you how to lead from within and not follow a leadership script. She will guide you on your own personal journey as you discover your unique strengths, triggers, superpowers, and identify leadership blind spots.


Website: https://kristinaholle.com/
Instagram: instagram.com/Kristinamholle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAuthenticYou2021
Wisdom Chats: https://app.wisdom.audio/profiles/71940855-efa3-4d74-85aa-d8b4a378e7f7?_branch_match_id=1014945503138942337&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXz8rPzCvPLE7Jz9VLLE3JzNfPLsosLsnM
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