
Building Connections: Social and Emotional Learning + Teacher Wellbeing

How can a focus on social and emotional learning help us design the necessary structural supports that can enable teacher well-being? While there are many strategies offered to support teacher self-care and stress management, schoolwide conditions are often overlooked: Teacher wellness requires ongoing commitments and long-term strategies that address systems-level change. Join researchers Doris A. Santoro from Bowdoin College and Olga Acosta Price from George Washington University for a discussion on a recent brief, Structural Supports to promote Teacher Well-being. https://annenberg.brown.edu/sites/default/files/EdResearch_for_Recovery_Brief_19.pdf
The Building Connections webinar series explores how social and emotional learning (SEL) connects to topics that are top of mind for our community so we can strengthen the many systems that support our young people. https://casel.org/events-webinars/list/?scope=past&q=&format%5B%5D=webinars#results
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