
BTC099: Michael Saylor's Deep-Dive on Bitcoin Energy Misconceptions

Preston Pysh interviews billionaire Michael Saylor about Bitcoin's energy use. Michael provides insights on why Bitcoin's energy consumption is "worth it", and why many people misunderstand its use.

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:02 - Why does Michael believe that if the money isn't scarce, every desirable good on the planet will become scarce?
00:08:57 - What is irrational urgency and why does it exist with a fiat system?
00:19:21 - Is it possible to not inject energy into money and keep it sound?
00:30:33 - Why do so many people miscalculate how much energy Bitcoin will use in the future?
00:39:29 - Why is it so hard for people to wrap their head around Bitcoin mining in general?
00:45:10 - Is the environmental and energy issues currently playing out in the world connected to what Bitcoin is solving for?
01:01:35 - Where should we start when we think about the energy and environmental impact that's currently plaguing the world?
01:16:18 - Why is it important to keep the monetary constants unchanged?
01:32:14 - What is Bitcoin really solving for, versus every other crypto asset?
02:23:42 - Is Bitcoin the best ESG incentive in the world right now?
02:37:17 - Michael's overall thoughts on why Bitcoin is so important to get right.

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