
Bricks Builder Addons: Automatic.CSS + Plaster Plugin (Hover to see ACSS Styles/Colors/Variables)

Wanted to make a quick video about ACSS, Frames, and Plaster, in particular. As I'm new to ACSS and Frames, I just wanted to highlight how the Plaster Plugin makes getting into those tools easier for visual learners. Our clients are used to using to Divi, so jumping directly in to CSS Frameworks and class based design may be intimidating. I think this is a fantastic bridge to getting one's toes wet on ACSS, and Frames also provides a toolkit that will dramatically speed up how you build our websites.

Get Plaster Plugin: https://plaster-plugin.com/
Get Automatic.CSS: https://automaticcss.com/
Get Frames: https://getframes.io/
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