
Best Practices for Creating an Agile Enterprise Architecture Management Capability

Best Practices for Creating an Agile Enterprise Architecture Management Capability

Watch the entire webinar here: https://content.bizzdesign.com/webinar-agile-eam-best-practices-rerun/p/1?utm_campaign=agile-ea-webinar&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_content=agile-ea-webinar

As architects, we have one distinct advantage: we have a view of the entire enterprise which helps us identify the strategic impact of change on business and technology. We then use our architecture design powers to help our organizations scale up or down. While all of this sounds wonderful on paper, achieving all of this is challenging. Leveraging the right enterprise architecture management tool is non-negotiable, but you’ll need more...

To support the changing behavior of your organization moving to agile styles of delivering capabilities, your enterprise architecture management capability, too, needs to be agile.

Join our webinar, presented by a veteran in creating agile architectures, Dan Belville. He’ll share best practices of how you can transform your enterprise architecture practice to become agile and, in turn, empower your organization to remain agile, relevant, and competitive...the list goes on.

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