
Automate Your TIME MANAGEMENT using PYTHON & Google Calendar

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I figured out how to automate my entire time management system using Python and SQL, and by the end of this video, you’ll know how to do it too.

Google Calendar API: https://developers.google.com/calendar/api
Google Cloud Console: https://console.cloud.google.com/
My Code: https://github.com/tuomaskivioja/timeManagementAutomator
Find your timezone here: https://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/zonehelp.tzc?cc=US&ccdesc=United%20States

When you’re learning to code or generally trying to achieve anything it’s crucial to manage your time and actually have a plan each day.

I’ve been practising something called deep work for a long time, which essentially just means blocking out time for uninterrupted work on a specific task

but I realised that I never really actually know how long or when I spend time on all my projects and goals.

So that is why I decided to build a Python script to track my time for me to allow me to analyze my schedule, make better decisions and eventually build an entire engine to allocate my time in the most optimal way.

In this video, you will learn to do exactly this too step by step, so if you appreciate that, tap the like button down below, and before we get into the tutorial!

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