
Applying Porter’s Five Forces to Fix U.S. Politics | HBR IdeaCast

Katherine Gehl, a former CEO and the founder of the Institute for Political Innovation, and Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, apply his Five Forces framework to explain why U.S. politics are dysfunctional. They argue that the Republican and Democratic parties make up an industry duopoly with high barriers to entry and low consumer power, and that the resulting lack of competition incentivizes these two dominant players to avoid compromises with majority support. Gehl and Porter provide specific innovations on how to enhance competition and better serve the public, including nonpartisan primary elections and ranked-choice voting. Gehl and Porter are coauthors of the new book The Politics Industry: How Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy and the HBR article “Fixing U.S. Politics.”

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A weekly podcast featuring the leading thinkers in business and management.

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00:00 – Intro
1:53 – Porter's Five Forces in Politics
7:58 – Innovations to Fix the Party Primary System...
16:00 – … and Implementing those Innovations
18:13 – Make Politics About People – Not Parties
21:47 - Outro

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