
Anypoint Flex Gateway Overview | Friends of Max Q & A

An API gateway allows you to add a dedicated orchestration layer on top of your backend APIs and services to help you separate orchestration from implementation concerns. You can then leverage the governance capabilities of API Manager to apply, among other capabilities, throttling, security, caching, and logging to your APIs.

Anypoint Flex Gateway is an ultrafast API gateway designed to manage and secure APIs running anywhere. Built to seamlessly integrate with DevOps and CI/CD workflows, Anypoint Flex Gateway delivers the performance required for the most demanding applications and microservices while providing enterprise security and manageability across any environment.

To learn more, check out the documentation: https://docs.mulesoft.com/gateway/flex-gateway-overview

MuleSoft Training also recommends the following courses to dive deeper:
Getting Started with Anypoint Platform: https://sfdc.co/bm67XC
Anypoint Platform Architecture: Application Networks: https://sfdc.co/bK8IFE
Anypoint Platform Operations: API Management: https://sfdc.co/bmc7Z4

Thanks for watching this Friends of Max Q & A, discussing the use cases, benefits and deployment options of the Anypoint Flex Gateway!
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