
Advanced Office Management and Office Administrative skills

It has now been established without any doubt whatsoever that lean administrative chains and efficient Office systems lead directly to increased bottom line profits. Leading edge companies which successfully gain competitive advantage and which are able to implement immediate cost savings, are those which possess knowledgeable and skilful Administrative and Office Management professionals
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to
• Provide a working definition of value
• Compare the various perspectives of value and understand that administrative management enables companies to manage the trade-off between these perspectives
• Identify the three ways to measure value: operational, customer, and financial
• Explain the causes of non-value-added activities
• Understand that administrative chains increase net value by increasing value-added activities as well as minimizing non-value-added office activities
• Identify how Administrative Management creates net value according to the three ways of measuring value.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to
• Identify the right supply chain for a given business strategy
• Define the three kinds of Administrative chains found in every business
• Compare alternative Administrative structures
• Describe how Internet technologies enable Administration
• Identify commonly encountered issues that erode trust.
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