
Addressing insider risks: how a holistic approach and Insider Risk Management can help | OD27

Join us as we share what we’ve learned about addressing insider risks holistically, including having the right people, processes, training, privacy controls and tools in place. We’ll also discuss how Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management can help you and your organization identify and respond to insider risks, all while protecting user privacy and leveraging built-in auditing and role-based access controls.

To learn more, please check out these resources:
* https://aka.ms/learnatignite
* https://info.microsoft.com/contact-us-multi-product-in-person-devices-en.html?ls=356552-contactme-formfill
* http://aka.ms/InsiderRisk

* Katherine Anderson

*Session Information:*
This video is one of many sessions delivered for the Microsoft Ignite 2022 event. Find more content like this, visit the Microsoft Ignite channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/MicrosoftIgnite

OD27 | English (US)

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