
Access, Governance and Action: Exploring the future of analytics in the data cloud – Ross Perez

Presentation "Access, Governance and Action: Exploring the future of analytics in the data cloud" by Ross Perez, Snowflake

The presentation was recorded at the Data 2030 Summit 2021.

The complexities of a multi-cloud and increasingly globalized world have made unified data analytics difficult, with data silos defining the limited scope of most analytics. In this presentation, we will explore some of the reasons for this trend, and how we might break out of it with a new concept: The Data Cloud.

Key Takeaways

Data has become more important, but significantly harder to access and unify across clouds, regions, and organizations
At the same time, the cloud gives us significant new capabilities that can help to mitigate these problems
By using the Data Cloud, organizations can begin to enable true Access, Governance and Action across their data and unlock a new potential for analytics.

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