
#80 The Rise of Hybrid Jobs & the Future of Data Skills (with Matt Sigelman)

It’s no secret that data science jobs are on the rise, but data skills across the board are rising — leading to what today’s guest calls “hybrid jobs.”

This will require a paradigm shift in how we think about jobs and skills.

Today’s guest, Matt Sigelman, President of The Burning Glass Institute & Chairman of Emsi Burning Glass, talks about the difficulties of connecting companies with top talent, the hybridization of many positions, and how to position yourself in the ever-changing market.

Join us as we discuss:
- The methodology of using data science on the labor market
- The demand for data skills & how they’re evolving
- Blending skills to get ahead in the job market & the rise of subskills
- How educational institutions can prepare students for hybridization
- Advice to the audience on how to structure their approach to skill acquisition

Please subscribe to the podcast on Itunes and give us a rating and review!

Itunes Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/80-the-rise-of-hybrid-jobs-the-future-of-data-skills/id1336150688?i=1000553130319

This is the DataCamp podcast link, check it out for the show notes and other goodies: https://www.datacamp.com/community/podcast/the-rise-of-hybrid-jobs-the-future-of-data-skills
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