
60,790,000 Visitors (Automated Traffic Sources)

Here are two automated traffic sources that have a combined reach of more than 60 million visitors every month. Also see how I got 30,000 visitors a day for free: https://profitcopilot.com/traffic

Make passive income: https://profitcopilot.com/180

Both are free and easy to use. And they both work in similar ways.

They work like this; everytime you publish a new piece of content, it automatically gets indexed and promoted on these platforms.

So we only have to set everything up once, and they send traffic to you forever.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Well, if you want to get as much traffic as you can get, I think you will love the free bonus I have for you at the end of this tutorial.

Ok, so, I’ve been using these platforms to send automated traffic for a couple of years now, and they both consistently work well.

Now, one does work better than the other, but I’ll share both because you might get different results depending on things like; your niche, your keyword selection and how often you publish.

Let’s go take a look at the first automated traffic source.

Also see:

190 Million Visitors: 2 Free Traffic Sources

Targeted Traffic Secrets: 5 Levels Of Market Sophistication

7 Best Traffic Sources (4 Billion Visitors)

X4 Your Traffic & Visitors

(Traffic) Millions of Visitors With Free Publicity Marketing

500% Increase in Organic Traffic (Keyword Research Strategy)

#websitetraffic #webtraffic #trafficsources
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