
5 Ways For Managers to Gain More Time - Time Management for Managers

Time management for managers is a real challenge. The demands on your time and workload only seem to increase. Time always seems to be against you.

I have 5 ways for managers to gain more time plus share 8 time management techniques for managers.

As a manager you never have enough time and always want to get more done.

So the first action to gain more time for managers is ruthlessly prioritise. Prioritise for you and your team members. Everyone tells you to prioritise. How to prioritise is the real challenge.

I share 8 different ways to prioritise covering how to manage your time and get more done. These time management techniques are specifically aimed at managers, though can be used by all.

The second time management technique is to delegate problems not tasks. Delegating problems means that you are asking others to do the solutioning and planning parts, rather than just asking them to do the tasks or activities to implement the plan. This saves you time and more importantly develops the problem solving and planning skills of your team.

The third of five time management skills is to make meeting valuable or bin them. Everyone spends a lot of time in meetings, and managers particularly so. Per Forbes, around 50% of time spent in meetings is not used well. Therefore, make the meetings you control and influence as valuable as possible and I share ways of doing this.

The fourth of my time management tips is to encourage decision making across the team. Everyone makes decisions every day. Provide the right frameworks, confidence and support to ensure your team are making decisions (within their remit) rather than coming to you for you to make the decision. This will save you a lot of time and develop your team.

The fifth of my ways to gain more time as a manager is to create more leaders in your team. Every team member can act as a leader, can practice leadership skills, regardless of their job title. Creating more leadership skills in the team through mentoring and coaching reduces the pressure and burden on you as their leader. It also saves you a lot of time and gives you great succession planning.

Be Proactive. Take action to give yourself more time at work!

00:00 Intro
01:52 Prioritise Ruthlessly using these 8 time management techniques
04:22 Delegate Problems Not Tasks
05:56 Make Meetings Valuable or Bin Them
07:47 Encourage Decision Making Across the Team
09:55 Create More Leaders in Your Team
10:48 In Summary

Additional videos that you will find useful:
How to Set a Meeting Agenda https://youtu.be/hVe5e-_LzoI
How to Delegate Tasks As a Manager https://youtu.be/MdFJamQQssI
How To Prioritise Tasks Effectively https://youtu.be/E7bu24dsXNw

If you have any questions on “5 Ways for Managers to Gain More Time – Time Management for Managers” please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you.

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