
228 - Pushing Schools To Evolve

This is an incredible conversation regarding the push and pull of educational systems and tangible solutions that are currently in play. Peter Hostrawser hosts a conversation with Jessica Cavallaro and Simon Holzapfel in this episode of Disrupt Education.

Jessica Cavallaro is an innovator and change-maker in education. She co-founded The Agile Mind to build collaboration, connection, and communication in classrooms across the world. She has always been an early adopter of techniques that will bring more student agency and active learning in the classroom. Jessica is passionate about pushing education to evolve to meet the needs of today's students. She believes that education should always be purposeful and adaptable, providing skills and relationships that will benefit students as they grow.
Learn more at www.agile-mind.com

Simon Holzapfel is a former head of school, former history and economics teacher and former member of the NYSAIS Commission on Accreditation. He spends his time helping educators, administrators and board members bring more adaptable and visible ways of working into their schools –from the classroom to the boardroom– so they can enjoy less stress, more learning and a more energetic, productive experience of their working life. He also is an organizational agility coach. Outside of work, you’ll find him riding a bike, skiing, reading or eating stinky cheeses, but never at the same time.

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