"Title: Parametric structural optimisation tool for flexible industrial buildings: evaluation through experimental study
Authors: Reisinger, Julia;
Kovacic, Iva
Affiliation: Institute of Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management, Department of Integrated Planning and Industrial Building, TU Wien, Austria
Keywords: BIM-based parametric design, structural performance-based design, multi-objective optimization, research-led teaching, industrial building
Session: IT-Supported Architectural and Engineering Design
Paper Link: https://ec-3.org/publications/conferences/2021/paper/?id=149
Abstract: Industrial building design is an interdisciplinary task, where data and software needed by production planning differ from the ones in building design. Constantly changing manufacturing systems demand highly flexible building structures. To achieve integration and improve structural performance a novel parametric multi-objective optimisation and decision support (POD) tool for flexible industrial buildings was developed. Through an experimental study within an interdisciplinary design class we have introduced and tested the tool, thereby evaluating students satisfaction on people, process and technology aspects. Results reveal strengths (quick variant studies, performance feedback), limitations (ease of use, interoperability) and future developments of the POD tool."
Authors: Reisinger, Julia;
Kovacic, Iva
Affiliation: Institute of Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management, Department of Integrated Planning and Industrial Building, TU Wien, Austria
Keywords: BIM-based parametric design, structural performance-based design, multi-objective optimization, research-led teaching, industrial building
Session: IT-Supported Architectural and Engineering Design
Paper Link: https://ec-3.org/publications/conferences/2021/paper/?id=149
Abstract: Industrial building design is an interdisciplinary task, where data and software needed by production planning differ from the ones in building design. Constantly changing manufacturing systems demand highly flexible building structures. To achieve integration and improve structural performance a novel parametric multi-objective optimisation and decision support (POD) tool for flexible industrial buildings was developed. Through an experimental study within an interdisciplinary design class we have introduced and tested the tool, thereby evaluating students satisfaction on people, process and technology aspects. Results reveal strengths (quick variant studies, performance feedback), limitations (ease of use, interoperability) and future developments of the POD tool."
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